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Haute Interiors LLC - Healthy Living and Home

Michele Nicholson • Feb 12, 2024


National Shut-In Visitation Day - February 2024 ~

February 11th marks National Shut-In Visitation Day, a sensitive occasion urging us to extend warm company to those confined to their homes. Taking the time to visit shut-in individuals not only brightens their day but also fosters a sense of appreciation and belonging in their lives.

However, it's essential to acknowledge that some shut-ins may suffer from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) or chemical sensitivities, which can make visits challenging if proper care isn't taken. MCS is a chronic condition where individuals develop sensitivity to various chemicals found in everyday products such as fragrances, cleaning agents, and pesticides. For those with MCS, exposure to these chemicals can trigger a range of symptoms, including headaches, dizziness, nausea, and respiratory issues.

When visiting someone with MCS on National Shut-In Visitation Day, it's crucial to be mindful of their condition and take steps to ensure a comfortable and safe environment for them. Here are some tips on what to do and what not to do when visiting someone with MCS:

What to Do:

1. Communicate in Advance: Before visiting, communicate with the individual to understand their specific sensitivities and any precautions you need to take during your visit. This is highly important!

2. Be Fragrance-Free: Refrain from wearing perfumes, colognes, or any scented products before visiting. Opt for unscented personal care products and laundry products to minimize chemical exposure.

3. Choose Natural Products: If bringing gifts or items for the individual, opt for natural, fragrance-free items, and avoid anything containing perfume, parfum or other chemicals. Be sure to read labels!

4. Respect their Space: Be mindful of their environment, which is a safe haven for them, and avoid bringing anything into it that may contain any odor or chemical, no matter how light you think it may be.

5. Offer Support: Be empathetic and offer your support regarding their condition. Listen actively to seek understanding, and be considerate of their needs during your visit.

What Not to Do:

1. Do Not Use Any Scented Products: Refrain from lighting scented candles, incense, or using air fresheners or scented hand products in their home which includes soaps, lotions and hand sanitizers, as these can trigger severe symptoms for individuals with MCS. Also, avoid using scented products before visiting as these chemical scents can remain and be detected on you in the most minute amount.

2. Do Not Disrespect Boundaries: Respect any requests or guidelines provided by the individual regarding their living space and personal preferences. Their home is their safe space, and it has be remain uncontaminated. 

3. Do Not Bring Scented Gifts: Avoid bringing items that contain any type of chemical or even the lightest scent to you.  Some sufferers cannot tolerate flowers, or even essential oils, so be sure to check first!

4. Do Not Forget Food Choices: Be cautious with food selections and avoid anything with artificial flavors, preservatives, or strong spices that may trigger sensitivities.

5. Do Not Be Unwitting:  Do research. Educate yourself about MCS and chemical sensitivities to better understand the challenges faced by individuals living with these conditions.

By being mindful and considerate of the needs of individuals with MCS, you can make a meaningful and positive impact on National Shut-In Visitation Day. Your understanding and support can help create a more inclusive and supportive community for individuals living with chronic conditions like MCS. 

Let's make every effort to ensure that everyone feels valued, respected, and included, especially on days dedicated to spreading joy and companionship!



At Haute Interiors, I understand the importance of creating safe and beautiful spaces for those who are chemically challenged. My interior design services cater to your specific needs, ensuring that your home is not only aesthetically pleasing but also free from harmful chemicals.

With my expertise and dedication to creating healthy living environments, I strive to transform your space into a haven where you can thrive without worrying about chemical triggers. Whether it's selecting non-toxic materials, implementing clean air practices, or designing layouts that promote wellness, Haute Interiors is committed to exceeding your expectations.

Join me on your journey toward healthier living. Remember, with the right support and resources, it's possible to create a home that nurtures both your well-being and your sense of style. Reach out to me at Haute Interiors, LLC to explore how I can help you design the home of your dreams, tailored to your unique sensitivities and preferences. Together, let's make your space a sanctuary.

Call today!

Haute Interiors, LLC
PO Box 6307
Hendersonville, NC 28793

By Michele Nicholson 15 May, 2023
May is MCS Awareness Month - May 15, 2023 ~ MCS or Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (as the initials stand for) is observed every year during the month of May. For many sufferers, this debilitating condition occurred from a toxic exposure or a combination of events. Real symptoms result from exposures to perfumes or chemicals that are generally regarded as well below levels most other people tolerate. As this condition continues, the sufferer most often continues a downward spiral until life becomes so difficult that life becomes reclusive from others. More and more everyday items are deemed as toxic. Most sufferers become homebound. With chemicals being very pervasive in life today, and getting stronger, more and more people are experiencing some degree of chemical intolerance. You may know someone suffering with this condition; either a family member, workmate, etc. Life becomes so difficult for these, that even obtaining medical care can become nearly impossible! There are things we can do to support sufferers. They are lonely, and need friends and encouragement. Do what you can to eliminate toxic chemicals in your own personal care products, cleaning products, etc. from your life. This will enable you to not only be around suffers to visit, but improve your own health as well. After all, imagine if lives were reversed. How would you want people to react to you? It could happen! So, with this month’s focus on MCS, try to learn all you can about this condition to help ones that you know. And, for MCS sufferers, there is hope in recovery! I personally lived this down-the-rabbit-hole spiral for 12 years. I explored the same routes as many of you with visiting doctors, wasting money on supplements and treatments and visiting expensive alternative care doctors without any success. I finally was guided to the right treatment source towards the end of 2022. So, if you are interested, please feel free to reach out for more information and details. I am also happy to provide Interior Decorating services to help your Home be as beautiful and toxic-free in furnishings as possible for you. Call for more details so that I can create your healthy & beautiful interior plan today! ~ Michele.
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